Sunday 8 October 2017

Dr Gyampo talks about the Atomic junction Gas explosion

Dr. Ransford Gyampo is a Research Fellow at the Governance Unit of the Institute of Economic Affairs.
He is also the Coordinator of the Institute of Economic Affairs-Ghana Political Parties Programme (IEA-GPPP) – a programme that brings together the four main Political Parties with representation in Ghana’s Parliament to discuss issues of national importance in an a-political manner and to propose practical solutions to them.
His research interest lies in the area of Governance, Democracy, Human Rights and Development. 

And this was his reactions to the Atomic Gas explosion which happened yesterday.
He said and i quote"
Yesterday, I drove to the mountains to visit some Chiefs who are my friends and to wish them well as they were celebrating their festival.
On my return back, I started receiving calls about the explosion from well wishers. I actually drove closer to the scene to watch what was happening.

As I watched the event and pandemonium I realized that people were running without knowing where they were going.
Many people came out of their homes and started fleeing. Watching them closely I noticed something amazing.
None of them carried a television or a radio or a suitcase of clothes. All these things were useless to them. All that mattered was their lives.
Their  homes and all their property were all of a sudden USELESS!
No one liked atomic Junction fire. Surely no one will like hell fire.

Indeed. The only thing of any value is a soul. At the end of it all, when things get critical, every soul wants to be saved.
Guys, our "tobey tobey" won't be needed again at one point. I actually saw how vehicles were running over human beings who were running for their lives.
I actually saw a woman who got out of her car and left her kids in it. She did this impulsively without knowing what she had done to her kids.
Politics and insults and all those we do, won't matter one day.
Indeed, the world would end one day. How prepared are we? May God be our helper
Source: YooDingh/Noweapongh



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