Tuesday 12 December 2017

Female Entrepreneur Bridgett Abena Pegmason Shares her views on the "Sharon and Akosua sika saga" which is making waves on social media

Bridgett Abena Pegmason is an entrepreneur.
And this is what she said during an interview with No weapon. She said and I quote

"It's really pains me when I see young ladies being treated like this, why can't we stay without depending on guys especially if they are not married to us, it's true at times life can be hard for us but we can use our hands and head to do something to take care of our selves
What is the competition for, whom are we competing with, why will u date with the intention of getting something from the guy what is that life for And at the end of the day they will call themselves slay queens. A queen respect and value her life whether  or not she is having money. Am not saying if u need help u shouldn't ask your guy but it shouldn't be a habit that's makes u to run on several guys for daily bread
My dear sisters u can create your own special world, wear what u have And eat what u have, value your life that is who a queen is. The Bible says we are a help mate to the men so let's help the men to create  the world that we want and become the queen that we want to become.
#mylittleadvice 🙏🙏🙏🙏"

This is how female Celebrity Bridgett Abena Pegmason adviced the youth of today  especially the young girls.

Source:Noweapongh /Ransoncriss



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